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Avoid Scams

It has been a while since our last blog and we would like to apologize for that, to make up for that we are working hard to release 2 a week for the next month.

Scams can get any one victims of scams can range from young to old, whilst older people are less tech-savvy and don't understand technology like the younger generation do, younger people can also be vulnerable to scams as they may not be able to see the dangers.

In this topic, we will cover the different types of scams, how they take place, and how to avoid them.

So what types of scams are there?

Phishing, these types of scams are very common in the modern world and work buy someone sending you an email that looks like it has come from a reputable company such as Amazon, facebook, or a bank. These scams operate remotely and operate by asking for your details, a scam may go by saying " There is a problem with your account please click the link below and log in with your details to continue" Once you have entered your details the scammers then have your information for that account and may use it to log in and ask family or friends for money, or in the case of amazon they may use it to order goods to a amazon locker near them. victims of these scams have reported it is very convincing as the scammers set a redirect link that sends you to the official page of the website they tried to copy.

Extortion, Extortion is another common scam, the scammer for this scam usually uses aggression to get their victim to give them what they want, an example of extortion is when someone may have got a piece of your private information that you might not want to share with anyone else and a scammer will threaten/blackmail you into sending a large sum of money or else they will send it to your friend list.

Fraud scam: Another common scam, this scam can occur over the phone or via email this is when a scammer could call you pretending they are a bank and the conversation can go something like this ("We have detected fraudulent activity in your bank account, please take action now! I need you to log on to your bank now and transfer me £100,000 or else you will be in trouble ")

How to avoid scams?


To avoid Phishing scams there are a few simple steps you can take.

  1. Check the email address scammers are creative when they are naming their emails so check the email is really from and not

  2. check the links an Amazon link would look something like this or as a link that a scammer may use could be

  3. Do not click on links you think look suspicious, if you are not sure about an email or text you received you can email our tech help team to see what they think (

  4. scammers also make many spelling mistakes so check for GRAMMAR errors in emails or text messages.

  1. Put your social media pages on private see here how to do that on meta-pages (Facebook, Instagram, and threads)

  2. Do not share information with people you do not know.

  3. only accept friend requests from people you know

  4. Do not share sensitive photos or videos with people you do not know.

Fraud scam
  1. Never click on links claiming to be from a bank, if a bank requires you to log on due to an issue they will tell you to follow instructions that have been sent directly to your banking app or they will tell you to visit your local branch.

  2. Banks never ask for any information over email or over the phone, so if you see or hear that they are requesting your info then put the phone down or block that email address

  3. Do not share your email and phone number, taking this step will reduce who has your contact details reducing the contacts of scammers

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