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Learn how to protect your Infomation Online

Your Cyber life is directly connected to your real life, below are some top tips on how to stay protected in a 2024 Online world.


Your passwords are your direct gateway into your cyber life. This means that anyone who obtains your passwords can gain instant access to wherever those passwords are linked. To help prevent this, you need to create a password that opportunists will find hard to guess or generate. Most websites suggest that your passwords should be at least 8 characters long, contain 1 capital letter, and 1 symbol, but this is the bare minimum and still easily accessible.

We recommend using at least 12 characters, 2 upper-case letters, a numerical character, and a symbol. We also do not recommend using a name or something that can be easily linked to you. For example, "CudLL3S!" might seem secure, but if it's the name of your beloved pet dog that you post about every day on Facebook (not really, it's just an example), it's not a good choice. A secure password could look like a random string of letters and symbols that you find hard to remember. Once you've created your password, such as (e.g., "ULjh2*Yg$£17"), you can jot it down in a notepad to keep it safe. Another step to keep your accounts safe is to use two-step verification.

2 Step Verifaction.

As the name suggests, two-step verification or multi-factor verification requires an additional level of verification before the user can log in. This could involve receiving a one-time password (OTP) sent to your device or a notification sent to your mobile device asking if you were attempting to sign in.


When clicking on emails, always ensure that you can trust them. The first step is to verify if the email is legitimate. Check if the domain name matches what you expect. You can verify this by searching the company name they claim to be. For example, Amazon hosts a wide range of domains for each country, such as,,, and Amazon.FR. These are all legitimate Amazon links for their respective local areas. However, if you receive an email claiming to be from Amazon and the domain looks like "4m4zon.fgWG" or "," it's likely fake.

To find the domain of emails, follow these simple steps:

1. Go to your emails.

2. Select the suspect email.

3. Click on the sender's name.

After following these steps, you will see all the sender's details. For example, an email from us would look like this: "" or "". As we own and, we are the only ones who can use that domain at the end of the email.

If you have any Technical help or Concerns you can always email us on

Or call us +44 7522 164 598

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