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Protect your account from hijackers

So much information is on your meta account, Information you didn't even know was there... YES, This includes your private messages, So the big question is, how do you protect yourself from Hijack attacks?

First of all most account hijacking can come from a previously hijacked account so you first need to be able to spot a Hijacked account.

So what does one look like?

Hacked instagram account

This post is from a hijacker who hacked into a local business account, for security reasons, I will not state the real business interest but we will make a fictional business.

This small local business works with fabrics & textiles crafting clothing out of recycled fabrics.

All their posts are business related meaning every post has a picture of clothing or some textiles, one random day they post a picture of a Range Rover on their Instagram and Facebook with a caption stating they "won this Range Rover because of Bitcoin and their coach helped them out" of course, this didn't actually happen no one got a range rover and this random person they mentioned that no one knows of with 94K fake followers on a private profile.

So what do you need to look out for?

  • Unusual posts

  • Messages with demanding Instructions

  • Mentions of accounts that are private with unusually high followers

So how do you prevent it from being hijacked?


Cyber Security - Free to use

The first step anyone can take is being proactive, Put your account settings on private so only family and friends can see, comment, and like your posts, this will also stop people you don't know from messaging you.

2nd step to stop people from hijacking you is to Identify a dangerous message, messages that sound like this: "I would like to award you £40,000 for getting this right" or "Your Facebook account needs action" If you see these through your direct messages they're defiantly not legit messages that follow on after them messages are usually demanding instructions to go into your account security settings, they will then demand a one time code and take access into your facebook account.

The 3rd step is to Report any suspicious accounts to Meta, even if it is your friend's account remember it isn't your friend using it.

4th step, block the account.

What do you do if your account has been Hijacked/Hacked?

1st of all if another device logs into your Facebook account or changes your name etc then you will be notified via email, you will be asked if it is you, select no and take further action, If you did not receive this go to:

to see Facebook/meta's advice on recovering your account.

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